Released 22 May 2024
- Does the authority outsource finance transactional services to another authority, shared service function, or external party?
- If yes, what is the name of said authority or shared service function or external party
- Which ERP/Finance system is used?
- Please state the total number and value of Accounts Payable invoices processed by the authority in the last financial year (2022/23)
- Is 3rd party pre-payment software used by the authority to prevent invoice payment errors and fraud (e.g. duplicate invoices, overpayments, VAT input errors or credits on statements) from occurring?
- If yes, what is the name of the supplier, when does the current supply contract expire, and what is the annual value of the contract?
- Are the services of a 3rd party, or 3rd party software, used by the authority to identify historical invoice errors (duplicate invoices, overpayments, VAT input errors or credits on statements)?
- If yes, what is the name of the supplier and when does the current supply contract expire?
- What is the name of the person responsible for any of the contracts detailed above?
Information disclosed:
- No; the Accounts Payable function is not outsourced.
- Not applicable
- Oracle
- For the financial year 2022/23: 285,198 invoices were processed, with a value of £883 million. For the financial year 2023/24: 288,136 invoices were processed, with a value of £959 million.
- Yes
- Fiscal Technologies Ltd. The contract expiry date is September 2024, and the annual value of the contract is £20,000.
- Yes
- Information relevant to this contract is commercially sensitive and exempt under s.43(2) [commercial interests] exemption at this time.
The Trust is currently involved in a procurement exercise relevant to this service. Until the tender process has been completed, all information relating to this contract and/or our incumbent supplier is exempt from disclosure under s.43(2) [commercial interests] exemption of the Freedom of Information Act. Once the Tender process has been completed and the information you are seeking is therefore less sensitive, we will be happy to reconsider your request should you still require this information.
We estimate that the tender process will be completed and a new contract formalised by the end of August 2024.
Whilst we consider section 43(2) sufficient in justifying the withholding of this information, our view is that section 44 exemption [prohibitions of disclosure] under the Act is also applicable in these circumstances. Information about the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, specifically regulation 29(16) can be found on the government legislation website.
6. As is the case for most NHS organisations, we are not of the view that it is appropriate to routinely release the names and contact details of our staff into the public domain through the FOIA. This is to safeguard our staff from companies that may misuse this information.
Exempt under section 40(2) [personal information] exemption of the Act.
It is important to note that the Trust and its commissioning partners are required to follow very specific rules when procuring equipment or services. It will be therefore of little benefit to contact our staff directly about such opportunities. Information about procurement and tendering can be found on our website.
To contact the Procurement Service, please email us.