Released 13 June 2024
1. Do you have a mobile device management (MDM) system?
2. What is the name of the Mobile Device Management (MDM) system you use?
3. Is your mobile device management system managed by an external contractor?
4. Who is the external contractor that manages your mobile device management system?
5. How many corporate mobile phones (Apple, Android) do you have deployed?
6. How many Apple Mac Computers do you have deployed?
7. How many tablets/iPads do you have deployed?
8. Where do you purchase your Apple equipment from?
9. What is your allocated budget for mobile device management per year?
10. Please, could you provide a name, email and phone number of the IT director in the Trust?
Information disclosed:
- Yes
- Sophos Central Mobile
- No
- Not applicable
- 2,406 mobile phones
- 4
- 1,966 tablets
- The Trust purchases from several vendors, all of whom are on an approved IT procurement framework. The preferred supplier varies depending on which organisation can offer the most competitive price at the time of purchase.
- The information you have requested regarding the allocated budget for mobile device management is commercially sensitive and therefore exempt from disclosure under section 43(2) [commercial interest] exemption of the FOIA.
- As is the case for most NHS organisations, we are not of the view that it is appropriate to routinely release the names and contact details of our staff into the public domain through the FOIA. This is to safeguard our staff from companies that may misuse this information.
The names/contact details you are seeking are therefore exempt under section 40(2) [personal information] exemption of the Act.
It is important to note that the Trust and its commissioning partners are required to follow very specific rules when procuring equipment or services. It will be therefore of little benefit to contact our staff directly about such opportunities. Information about procurement and tendering can be found on our website.
To contact the Procurement Service, please email.