University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust (UHSussex) is holding a virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday 29 July from 4.30 to 6.15pm.
The acute trust which runs seven hospitals in Sussex was created on 1 April 2021 through a merger of Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals (BSUH) and Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (WSHT).
As a result, the two AGMs of its pre-merger organisations are being combined into a single event that you can join and watch via MS Teams.
The event is formed in two parts: The joint-AGM with an opportunity to ask questions; followed by a formal meeting of the UHSussex Council of Governors to receive the Annual Reports and Accounts. Both parts are accessed with the same MS Teams link.
Chairman, Alan McCarthy MBE, said: “1 April 2020 to March 31 2021 was of course a year like no other. The far-reaching impacts of the pandemic have spread like the virus itself, affecting almost every aspect of our personal and professional lives.
“The coronavirus crisis has been testing, tiring and at times traumatic. It has also, however, showcased what our staff excel at; an unwavering commitment to patient care, resilience, adaptability, teamwork and, in particular, innovation.”
In her opening address, chief executive Dame Marianne Griffiths will reflect upon the unprecedented circumstances, events and impact of 2020/21. This will be followed, shortly after 5pm, with a presentation from the clinical teams who set up and ran hospital vaccination hubs at the height of the second wave in 2020/21.
At around 5.30pm, Chief Financial Officer, Karen Geoghegan, will present the Annual Reports and Accounts, followed by a presentation from UHSussex Lead Governor Lyn Camps looking back on the work of the Council of Governors throughout the year.
The Council of Governors meeting starts at 6.15pm. It includes a report from the trust’s external auditors before the Council will be asked to accept the Annual Reports and Accounts. Questions can be asked during the event, using MS Teams Q&A facility.