Dr Luke Hodgson is an intensive care and respiratory consultant at Worthing, UHSussex and Honorary Clinical Reader at BSMS.
Dr Hodgson works on intensive care and outpatient respiratory medicine. Utilising his expertise linking the ward with intensive care, at Worthing he is lead for intensive care follow-up, outreach and chairs the Trust’s deteriorating patient group. He is part of a team setting up a peri-operative service. In the Outpatients Dr Hodgson runs a respiratory failure service.
Luke has expertise in translational research between intensive care and sport and exercise medicine, with the use of technology and biomarkers. He is chief investigator of studies exploring integration of technology to encourage physical activity in acute hospital settings, including following COVID-19 critical illness.
His MD at the University of Southampton was in the field of risk stratification and implementation in clinical practice of electronic prediction models and biomarkers.
Luke is Co-Investigator on MOSAICC, a £2M NIHR HTA multi centre RCT investigating sodium bicarbonate in AKI & metabolic acidosis. He holds an Individual Development Award from ARC NIHR and is Respiratory Lead for NIHR CRN KSS.
He encourages the engagement of early career researchers and supervises PhDs and MDs for researchers from medical, nursing and physiotherapy backgrounds, focusing on research aiming to improve the health of our local population.
Find out more about Dr Luke Hodgson’s research studies Colleagues’ emergency airway management study published in top anaesthesia journal