Dr Melanie Tipples graduated from Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School in 1992. She trained in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in North West Thames based at St Mary’s Paddington, Queen Charlotte’s Hospital, Hammersmith and latterly at St George’s Tooting having done a general surgery rotation at St Thomas’s Hospital. She commenced her consultant post at St Richard’s hospital in 2007 and since 2016 has focussed on the delivery of the Gynaecology service on this site.
Melanie is the Cancer Unit Lead for St Richard’s Site. She is a BSCCP accredited colposcopist and where indicated can assess patients with both colposcopy and ultrasound in the outpatient department. She aims to provide a one stop assessment of all gynaecological problems to support the rapid diagnosis and management of both common benign gynaecological problems as well as gynaecology cancers. She provides emergency cover for gynaecology seeing and assessing patients admitted through Accident and Emergency with early pregnancy related problems, pelvic pain, ovarian cysts and problems relating to menstrual disorder and endometriosis.
Surgery is indicated for both diagnosis and management of gynaecological problems and Melanie offers both a minimal access (laparoscopic) or open abdominal surgical approach according to the clinical problem a patient is experiencing. Patients are enrolled into the enhanced recovery programme and eligible patients are considered for day case surgery, including day case hysterectomy.
Melanie works regionally as the head of school for training of obstetrics and gynaecology in Kent Surrey and Sussex and nationally as the Fellow’s Regional Representative for the Royal College of Obstetrician and Gynaecologist. She is the National Recruitment lead for Obstetrics and Gynaecology.