Released 27 May 2022
Please provide me with full details of any policy your trust in place that means some clerical or managerial staff are able to work from home for at least some of the time. These may be known internally as hybrid, blended, agile or smarter working arrangements.
Please can you:
- Send me a full copy of your current policy on this issue
- Let me know how many of your staff are currently approved for hybrid working – ie they do not have to be in the office every day. If you are able to say what department they are in that would be ideal ie 10 from communications, 5 directors/heads of service etc
- If it is not included in the policy, please let me know if there is an expected proportion of time that these staff must spend in the office each week or month
Information disclosed:
- Please refer to the attached documents relevant to your request:
FOI220103 – Flexible Working – Worklife Balance – Guidance
FOI220103 – Remote Working – Managers Guidance
FOI220103 – Policy – Work Life Balance – Flexible Working - Information about staff working arrangements in this context is not held centrally by the Trust. Such arrangements are agreed on a case by case basis between managers and staff. Any effort to compile this information would require a Trust-wide audit of the arrangements made across all departments and services. Such information cannot, therefore, be provided within the appropriate limit as specified in the Fees Regulations and section 12 [cost limit] of the Act is applicable in these circumstances.
- There is no prescribed or expected proportion of time that individuals must spend in the office. Time spent in the office depends on local agreements and discussions between staff and their managers.
FOI220103 – Remote Working – Managers Guidance (354kB pdf)
FOI220103 – Policy – Work Life Balance – Flexible Working – (122kB pdf)
FOI220103 – Flexible Working – Worklife Balance – Guidance (240kB pdf)