Released 8 June 2022
- Has your Trust published its plans for the rollout of tech-enabled virtual wards? Does this include plans for frailty?
- Has your Trust identified a tech provider/supplier for the delivery of a frailty virtual ward? If so, who?
- Do you have phased targets between now (May 2022) and December 2023 to ensure you reach the national ambition of 40-50 per 100,000? If so, what are they?
- What is your Trust’s current average length of time between being deemed medically fit for discharge and discharge occurring for patients aged 65 and over?
- What assessment, if any, have you made of the cost savings of utilising tech-enabled virtual wards for frailty?
- Who is the clinical lead for your frailty virtual ward?
- Does your Trust expect to recruit additional roles to support the delivery of tech-enabled virtual wards within the next 12moths? If so, what are they?
- How do you plan to integrate with social care and local authorities for the delivery of frailty virtual wards?
Information disclosed:
- No; not applicable.
- No; not applicable.
- No; not applicable.
- We are still working to align several departments under the new Trust including our Information Services. As a result we cannot provide Trust-wide figures for this part of your request. We have, however, provided figures for each of the legacy Trusts below. Further information about the Trust’s hospitals can be found on our website
- Legacy Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust = 9.8 days (based on patients medically fit to discharge on 11th May 2022)
- Legacy Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust = 7.19 days (based on patients medically fit to discharge on 11th May 2022)5. An assessment of this nature has not yet been completed, therefore, this information is not available under the Act at this time.
- A clinical lead has not yet been appointed.
- Unknown at this time; this information is therefore not available under the Act.
- Unknown at this time; this information is therefore not available under the Act.