Released 20 June 2022
I am completing a piece of research on the structure of psychology services in other trusts nationally who have recently been rated as ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), so that we are able to compare this to our own psychological services.
The sole purpose of this research is to gain a better understanding of how we can improve our own psychological services in [name redacted]. To do this, I would like to submit a formal freedom of information request for the following information relating to your trust:
- How many (full and part time) clinical psychologists are in the trust and at what banding level?
- How many (full and part time) other psychological professionals are in the trust and at what banding (e.g. counselling psychologists, health psychologists, cognitive behavioural therapists, psychological wellbeing practitioners etc.)?
- What psychological services do you offer?
- What services do these psychological professionals cover?
- How many beds does your trust occupy?
- How many people does your trust service?
- What is the structure of your psychological department (from consultant/service lead to support staff)?
Assistance provided under Section 16 [duty to assist]:
University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust is an Acute Hospital Trust and does not provide psychology services in this context. Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust provide NHS care across Sussex for people with mental health problems and learning disabilities. They are likely to be best placed to provide the information you are seeking.