Released 22 August 2022
I wish to find out the process for clinical effectiveness within your Trust:
- Please can you tell me how your Trust monitors and demonstrates its clinical effectiveness.
- Do you have a clinical effectiveness committee and if yes who attends this meeting (job title only) and what is the structure of the meeting and how often do they occur.
- Are any reports written as part of clinical effectiveness, if so what are they and what is their structure, and how often are they written and where are they presented to.
Information disclosed:
- The Trust has a Clinical Effectiveness Committee that meets bimonthly with some focussed meetings with divisions on specific projects.
- The committee is chaired by the Director of Clinical Outcomes & Effectiveness and members include the Medical Director for Governance, senior Clinical Effectiveness team members as well as Divisional representation for reports i.e. Chiefs of Service and Heads of Nursing for each division.
- Divisions report on their compliance and escalate issues relevant to the Clinical Effectiveness portfolio of work.
The Committee reports to the Trust’s monthly Quality Governance Steering Group and then to the Quality Committee. Quality Governance and associated Committees are currently under review.