Released 25 August 2022
Please may you provide me with an electronic copy of the trust unlicensed medicines policy (other nomenclature includes Policy on the use of Unlicensed or Off-label Medicinal products)
Assistance provided to applicant under section 16 [duty to assist] on 24 August 2022:
All medicines policies, including the Unlicensed Medicines policy, are currently being reviewed subsequent to the merger in order to establish harmonised practices across University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust.
In the interim, we would be happy to provide a copy of the Unlicensed Medicines Policy used by legacy Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust if you would find this helpful. Please confirm that you would like a copy of this policy.
Response received 24 August 2022:
Thank you for your reply. If you could send the Unlicensed Medicines Policy used by legacy Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust that would be helpful.
Information disclosed:
Please find attached the Unlicensed Medicines Policy used by legacy Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (WSHT) as requested. It is expected that the new overarching policy for University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust will largely follow the WSHT policy with updates relating to clarifications arising out of the Judicial Review on Avastin and subsequent appeal.
Staff names have been redacted from this document in line with section 40(2) exemption of the Act on the grounds that this amounts to personal data.
Unlicensed medicines policy approved Mar 19 SRH WH_Redacted (297kB)