Released 5 October 2022
- How many patients have been treated for glioblastoma brain cancer in the last 12 months, in your trust/ health board?
- Which consultant is the nominated medical lead for the treatment or referral of glioblastoma brain cancer?
- Does your trust/ health board treat all referred glioblastoma brain cancer cases, or are they referred to different centre’s? If so, which treatment centre(s) are they referred to?
Information disclosed:
Please note University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust has been in operation since 1 April 2021 following the merger of Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust and Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Whilst we are in the process of aligning services under the merged Trust, our Cancer Services continue to offer treatment options based on the hospital where the patient is seen. We have therefore provided our response below broken down by the relevant hospitals.
Our response relative to Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton and Princess Royal Hospital, Haywards Heath is provided below:
- 66
- Disclosure exempt under section 40(2) [personal information] of the FOIA.
- The Trust will treat all glioblastoma brain cancer unless the patient choses treatment elsewhere.
Our response relative to St Richard’s Hospital, Chichester and Worthing Hospital, Worthing is provided below:
- Neither St Richard’s Hospital nor Worthing Hospital treat patients for Glioblastoma.
- Not applicable
- St Richard’s patients are referred to University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust for treatment.
Worthing patients are referred to the Hurstwood Park Centre at Princess Royal Hospital, Haywards Heath which is part of University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust.