Released 5 May 2023
I would like to know the annual salary inclusive of any bonuses paid to the chief people officer at the trust.
Information disclosed:
Further to the above we can advise that, where appropriate and in line with the NHS transparency agenda, information regarding the salaries of our senior managers (including our Chief People Officer) are published in the Trust’s annual reports which are available on the Trust website.
Information for financial year 2022 to 2023 will be published on the website once completed, which is currently expected to be at the end of July 2023. Since this information is intended for future publication, section 22 exemption under the Act is applicable.
Section 22 exemption is a qualified exemption and is therefore subject to a public interest test. We recognise the general public interest in openness, transparency and making information freely available. Additionally, we recognise the public interest in the specific information you are seeking. This public interest however, will be met by the publication of this information in the coming months. Disclosure by the Trust now would involve publishing information prematurely, prior to its validation and submission to the Trust Board for approval.
Our conclusion is that it is reasonable in these circumstances to withhold the information requested at this time, and that the balance of public interest lies in keeping to our timetable for publication.