Released 15 May 2023
Please provide the following data for the last 5 years (2018 onwards) in an Excel spreadsheet. Please break down the data into separate financial or calendar years.
For 2022/23 please include the most up-to-date information.
- The numbers of letters sent
- The number of letters received
- The number of letters sent through the post that were reported as lost or did not arrive
Information disclosed:
1. Please see the table below for information relevant to this part of your request. Please note this information was not held before 2019 and refers only to franked mail sent through the central Post Rooms.
The Trust does not keep a log of letters sent directly from other areas and as such this information is not held by the Trust and not available under the terms of the Act at this time.
Year | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | January to March 2023 |
The numbers of letters sent | Not held | 850,107 | 666,546 | 1,412,111 | 1,966,680 | 254,464 |
2 and 3. The Trust does not keep a log of letters received or sent letters that are lost. This information is therefore not held by the Trust and not available under the terms of the Act at this time.