Released 1 June 2023
- Which local risk management system does your trust currently use please? (eg: Ulysses 2000 Ltd / InPhase Ltd / RLDatix etc etc)
- How many responses are required as a minimum for your staff to complete a patient safety report?
- On average how many patient safety forms have been completed by your staff per month over the previous 6 month period please?
- What is your ratio of events associated with harm to events associated with no harm please?
- How many staff does your organisation employ?
Information disclosed:
- The Trust uses the Enterprise Risk Manager (ERM) module within Datix Cloud IQ (DCIQ) and for non-clinical risk, SHE Evotix Assure.
- An approximate minimum of 43 steps at St. Richard’s Hospital, Chichester and Worthing Hospital, Worthing and 10 steps at the Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton and Princess Royal Hospital, Haywards Heath. However, this is dependent on the type of incident being reported.
- Trust-wide, an average of 2440 per month in each of the last six months
- 5936:1540 (212 : 55), with 79.4% no harm and 20.6% harm (low, moderate, major, catastrophic)
- As at April 2023, the Trust employed 17,102 staff. This is the most recent figure available at the date of response.