Released 20 May 2024
- How much money did the Trust raise from hospital car parking charges in each of the last three financial years. Please state the amount and the years for which figures are available. Include a breakdown of staff and visitor/patient parking if possible. Please also provide a breakdown by hospital if possible.
- How much money was raised by the Trust from hospital car parking fines in each of the last three financial years (state the amount and the years for which figures are available). Include a breakdown of staff and visitor/patient fines if possible. Please also provide a breakdown by hospital if possible.
- Who manages the hospital car parks in the Trust. If they are managed by private or third-party companies, please provide the names of the company or companies that have managed the car parks for the last three financial years. Please also provide a breakdown by hospital if possible.
- If a private/third party company manages the hospital car parks in the Trust, how much of the money generated by parking fees goes to the private firm? Please provide the data for the last three financial years. Please also provide a breakdown by hospital if possible.
- Please provide the total amount of money generated by hospital car parking fees in the Trust for the last three financial years broken down by year, if different from the amount given as a response to question 1. Include a breakdown of staff and visitor/patient parking if possible.
- If it is a private company, how much of the money generated by hospital car parking fines in the Trust goes to the private firm? Please provide the data for the last three financial years. Please also provide a breakdown by hospital if possible.
- Please provide the total amount of money generated by hospital car parking fines in the Trust for the last three financial years broken down by year, if different from the amount given as a response to question 2. Include a breakdown of staff and visitor/patient parking if possible.
- How many parking fines were issued in the hospital car parks in the Trust in the last three financial years? Please break down by financial year. Include a breakdown of staff and visitor/patient parking if possible.
- How many appeals have been lodged for hospital car parking fines in the Trust in the last three financial years. Please provide a break down by financial year. Include a breakdown of staff and visitor/patient parking if possible.
- How many appeals were successful of those lodged in relation to hospital car parking fines in the Trust in the last three years? Please provide a breakdown by financial year. Include a breakdown of staff and visitor/patient parking if possible.
Information disclosed:
Please note University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust has been in operation since 1 April 2021, following the merger of Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust [BSUH] and Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust [WSHFT].
Information about the Trust’s hospitals can be found on our website.
We have provided information both for the Trust as a whole, and by individual hospital site where possible below.
- Please see the table below for information relevant to this part of your request.
Please note in the table below that RSCH/PRH = Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton, and the Princess Royal Hospital, Haywards Heath. The information for the staff car parking income for RSCH/PRH for the financial year 2021 to 2022 is not available, as the Trust no longer holds this information due to a change in the administration system used to record this data.
All tariffs are in line with Local Council Carparks.
Money raised from parking fees supports the upkeep and management of the Trust’s car parks and subsidises the Trust’s green travel plan initiatives with any surplus supporting delivery of care.
Car parking income – Public | ||||
Site | 2021 to 2022 | 2022 to 2023 | 2023 to 2024 | Grand total |
RSCH/PRH | £754,987.00 | £1,168,458.00 | £1,383,685.00 | £3,307,130.00 |
St Richard’s Hospital | £452,921.00 | £830,247.00 | £1,076,213.00 | £2,359,382.00 |
Worthing Hospital | £500,816.00 | £661,374.00 | £687,677.00 | £1,849,867.00 |
Southlands Hospital | £569.00 | £81,461.00 | £98,446.00 | £180,476.00 |
Car Parking Income: Public | £1,709,293.00 | £2,741,540.00 | £3,246,021.00 | £7,696,855.00 |
Car parking income – staff | ||||
Site | 2021 to 2022 | 20223 to 2023 | 2023 to 2024 | Grand total |
RSCH/PRH | Not held | £364,698.00 | £405,857.00 | £770,555.00 |
St Richard’s Hospital | £3,499.00 | £246,565.00 | £313,946.00 | £564,009.00 |
Worthing Hospital | £273.00 | £392,264.00 | £377,439.00 | £769,976.00 |
Southlands Hospital | £37.00 | £137.00 | £932.00 | £1,105.00 |
Car Parking Income: Staff | £3,809.00 | £1,003,664.00 | £1,098,174.00 | £2,105,645.00 |
Total Staff and Public | £1,713,102.00 | £3,745,204.00 | £4,344,195.00 | £9,802,500.00 |
2. Although parking is managed in-house, it is the Trust’s parking contractor UKPC that manages the overall administration of this activity which includes issuing and collecting fines. The Trust does not have access to this information.
3. All the car parks on the Trust’s property are managed in-house by the Trust’s security and parking teams. However, there is additional off-site parking in Brighton for park and ride services. One is located at Brighton racecourse which is owned by the racecourse, and the other one located at Whitehawk Football Club, Whitehawk, which is owned by the Club.
4. Not applicable; UKPC are responsible for parking enforcement, but the car parks are managed in-house by the Trust.
5. Please see the response given for question 1, above.
6. Please see the response given for question 2, above.
7. Please see the response given for question 2, above.
8. Fines were suspended across the Trust’s parking sites during 2021/2022 as the new staff car parking permit system was embedded. For the calendar year 2023, please see the table below:
Site | Fines issued in 2023 |
Worthing Hospital, Worthing | 334 |
Southlands Hospital, Shoreham by Sea | 12 |
St Richard’s Hospital, Chichester | 86 |
Royal Sussex County and Princess Royal | 65 |
9 – 10. Information relevant to appeals and the number that were successful is not held by the Trust. This information is held by the Trust’s parking enforcement contractor – please see the response given for question 2 above.