Released 31 May 2024
1. How many patients within the latest annual reporting period were receiving home dialysis treatment (this may be referred to as home haemodialysis or peritoneal)?
2a. How many patients within the latest annual reporting period applied for the reimbursement of utility costs for home dialysis treatment?
2b. Of these, how many patients were successful?
3. What is the total amount spent by the Trust on the reimbursement of utility costs for home dialysis treatment within the latest annual reporting period?
4. Please provide any internal guidelines which supports the Trust in making decisions around the reimbursement of utility costs for home dialysis treatment.
Information disclosed:
1. During the financial year 2023 to 2024, 36 patients received home dialysis and 59 patients received peritoneal dialysis.
2b. Not applicable; reimbursement is paid quarterly to all patients except for those who decline.
3. The Trust incurred a cost of £28,868 in the financial year 2023/24 relevant to the Home Dialysis service.
4. The Trust has been using Welsh Kidney Network UK Kidney Association Home Dialysis Utility Reimbursement Calculator 2022/23 to calculate patient reimbursement since October 2022 in line with recommendations made by the UK Kidney Association.