Released 5 June 2024
Question 1
a) Do you currently use virtual wards? (Y/N)
b) If yes,
i. Can you please specify how many virtual wards beds you have and the provider by specialty (Cancer care, respiratory care, cardiology care, diabetes care, stroke care, renal care, pre/post-operative care services, other)?
ii. How many patients have been admitted in virtual wards, per specialty, for the Financial Years (FY) 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024YTD (Year to Date)?
iii.What are the values of the contracts you have in place split by specialty and provider?
iv. What are the durations of the contracts you have in place split by specialty and provider?
c) If no,
i. If you are not currently using virtual wards, are you planning on using them in the future?
ii. For which specialties are you planning on using them?
iii. When would you start?
Information disclosed:
1a. Yes.
1b and 1c. The Trust does not hold the rest of the information you are seeking.
This information is held by Sussex Community Foundation NHS Trust (SCFT), and your enquiry should be redirected there.
Information relevant to SCFT’s Freedom of Information service can be found via this link
Alternatively, you can contact the service by emailing
or by writing to:
The Information Governance Team
Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust
Brighton General Hospital
Elm Grove