Released 10 June 2024
- Does the Trust have NHS Child Obesity Clinics?
If yes please answer the following:
- The total of physical sites within the Trust?
- Which trust/NHS organisation do they reside at?
- How many patients did each of the identified clinics support in FY 2022-2023?
- What treatment programmes are provided in each of the identified Child Obesity clinics?
- How are these treatment programmes assigned, e.g. home visits, clinics?
- How long do treatment programmes continue for?
- Within these Child Obesity clinics, what digital solutions are in place to support the care pathway?
- Name of solution
- Name of solution supplier
- Implementation date
- Contract renewal date
- Do these digital tools provide a two-way communication between the patient(parent) and clinician?
- If yes, what additional features do these solutions provide to the patient and clinician?
- Does the trust have plans to advertise a tender to replace these solutions?
- If so, confirm the time frame.
2. If no please answer the following questions?
p. If you do not have a Child Obesity clinic, how do you support this pathway, e.g. where are patients referred to?
Information disclosed:
1. Yes; a child obesity clinic is currently being trialled. However, this comes under the paediatric service of University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust.
1a. 1 site
1b. The clinic is at Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital, Brighton which comes under University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust. Please note as mentioned above this clinic technically sits under University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust.
1c. 20 patients
1d. The clinic offers medical treatments (medications), lifestyle treatments (diet and activities), meal plans and strategies (dietitian), physiotherapy support and mental health treatments (psychology support).
1e. Treatment plans are assigned through any of the following: clinics, telephone calls or video calls.
1f. Two years
1g. No specific digital solutions are in place to support the pathway. Patients and their parents are signposted to digital resources that are available online.
1h-o. Not applicable
2. Not applicable