Released 20 June 2024
- The number of overnight and weekend shifts in 2022 at any of your out of hours providers in which no GP was on duty.
- The number of patients covered by the out of hours provider where there was no GP on duty for at least one shift in 2022.
- What advice was provided to patients during shifts where no GP was on duty in 2022.
- The number of overnight and weekend shifts in 2022 at any of your out of hours providers in which just one GP was on duty.
- The number of patients covered by the out of hours providers where there was just one GP on duty for at least one shift in 2022.
Information disclosed:
Under Section 1(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) the Trust can confirm that it does not hold the information requested.
As an ‘’acute’’ hospital Trust, University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust does not provide any General Practitioner services relevant to your request.
Our colleagues within the local Integrated Care System (ICS) may hold information relevant to these local GP services. Sussex Health and Care is the local ICS that works in partnership across Sussex and the communities of Brighton and Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex, to bring more integrated and joined-up services to the local population.
Alternatively, you may wish to contact NHS England directly for information relevant to GP services in this area.
To submit a Freedom of Information request to NHS England, please email.
If after contacting the above services you think we might hold other information relevant to your request, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to consider what additional assistance we can provide.