Released 17 June 2024
Please could you provide me with answers to the following:
- A list of chief executives and their tenures for the past 20 years for your trust?
- If the trust has ever adopted ‘Patient First’ as an improvement methodology? If so when was this introduced and for how long?
Information disclosed:
Please note that University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust has been in operation since 1 April 2021 following the merger of Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust and Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust was formed in 2002 and Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust was formed in 2009, following the merger of Royal West Sussex NHS Trust and Worthing and Southlands NHS Trust.
This is reflected in the attached information.
- Please refer to the attached document “FOI240196 – Trust CEO’s from 2005.pdf” for information relevant to this part of your request.
- The Patient First initiative was first started at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in 2016 and then at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust in early 2017. University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust continues to apply Patient First’s strategic themes and further information about this can be found on our website.