Released 26 June 2024
Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I am writing to request the following information. This information relates to the NHS England Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response Framework in general and subsection 10.4, “Cycle of preparedness, Exercising”, in particular. Please note that the information requested are only dates of exercises and a test. I am not requesting any other details of the exercises and test themselves, nor any information that would, or would be likely to, prejudice the prevention of crime. This information should be readily available to the Trust as part of its EPRR annual assurance process.
For clarity I have enumerated the information I am requesting. If you do not hold some of this information then I ask you to confirm explicitly that you do not hold it.
I request:
1. The date of the Trust’s own most recent communications systems exercise. I am not requesting the date of any communications systems exercise initiated by another organisation.
2. The date of the most recent table-top exercise.
3. The date of the most recent live play exercise. I am aware the NHS EPRR Framework states that if an organisation activates its plan then this replaces the need to run a live exercise “providing lessons are identified and logged and an action plan developed”.
Nevertheless I request the date of the most recent live play exercise, not activation of the plan.
4. The date of the most recent command post exercise. I am aware the NHS EPRR Framework states that if an organisation activates its Incident Coordination Centre then this replaces the need to run command post exercise “providing lessons are identified and logged and an action plan developed”. Nevertheless I request the date of the most recent command post exercise, not activation of the ICC.
5. The date of the most recent Incident Coordination Centre equipment test.
Information disclosed:
- 10 August 2023
- 22 May 2024
- 27 June 2023
- 14 January 2024
- 26 March 2024