Released 5 July 2024
I am looking for policy information about second hand smoke exposure to staff undertaking home visits. Could you provide me with the latest smoke free policy (pdf) for your organisation.
Could you also provide some additional details about any documented ongoing plans to update the current policy
Information disclosed:
Please see the attached policy document [Smoke Free Policy (2).pdf] for information relevant to your request.
The Trust has begun the process of reviewing the Smoking Policy with the support of the Tobacco Dependency Programme Manager. At present, there is no recorded information that we could provide relevant to the workings of this group, as this consists primarily of arrangements to meet at this stage.
In line with our obligations under the Act, our Human Resource leads have conducted an appropriate and reasonable search through the information that they hold, and they could not identify any material relevant to the workings of this group that would be relevant to your request.
This information is therefore not considered held by the Trust and is not available under the terms of the Act at this time.