The collection is managed by a Health Promotion Senior Library Assistant, but the overall service is provided in conjunction with the Public Health team at Brighton & Hove City Council. This is managed by a Public Health Specialist Librarian who works closely with the Public Health teams in both Brighton & Hove and East Sussex. The Specialist Librarian also performs evidence searches, provides teaching in information skills, and is a contact point for any public health-related information queries.
We have a collection of around 350 leaflet titles covering a wide range of topics including healthy eating, screening, mental health, stopping smoking, sexual health, immunisation and physical activity. Leaflets are supplied to anyone working in a health promoting role in Brighton & Hove. Examples include GP surgeries, pharmacies, hospital departments, social care settings, schools, and voluntary groups.
A leaflet catalogue of the complete collection is available and can be found on the library website.
To accompany our leaflets, we also have a collection of around 70 models that can be borrowed for teaching in a number of different settings.

The models illustrate health promotion messages in a direct and visual way, and cover topics such as the effects of smoking, and drug and alcohol misuse. They provide an opportunity for training professionals, as well as for those with learning disabilities, to identify common symptoms relating to cancer, and general explanations of human anatomy.
Any of the models can be borrowed by library members.
Check the models catalogue for the full list and descriptions.
Visit us to see our full range and chat to our friendly Health Promotion Library team.
Contact us for more information or visit us to see our full range and chat to our friendly Health Promotion Library team.