The board of University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust meets in public on Thursday 2 February 2023, from 10am to 1.30pm.
Members of the public can watch proceedings online using the MS Teams board meeting link or typing the following URL into any web browser:
The agenda includes discussion of the Trust’s recent performance and key issues, as well as consideration of a new Mental Health strategy for the organisation that runs seven hospitals in Sussex.
Chairman, Alan McCarthy, said: “We welcome Trust members, patients and the general public observing our meetings and always provide time for public questions.
“Nearly 20,000 people work or volunteer in our hospitals and, as demand for our services continues to grow, we really value engaging with the people and the local communities we serve.”
The agenda for the meeting is published one week in advance on the Trust’s website, together with forthcoming meeting dates.
If you would like to submit a question for the directors to consider, please email company secretary Glen Palethorpe by Monday 30 January.
There will also be a University Hospitals Sussex Council of Governors meeting held in public on Thursday 16 February from 2pm to 4pm.
See the Trust Board and Council of Governor for full details of both the meetings.