Download and print the out of hours access terms and conditions [pdf]
- Use of the library out of hours (OOH) is at your own risk. Do not leave any personal items unattended.
- For your own safety, and the safety of others, you must have your staff or student ID badge, or a Library OOH Access Card, with you when using the library out of hours. You may be asked to leave the library if you are unable to show your ID badge or access card to a member of staff. The Trust Security team patrol all areas and may ask to see your ID badge or access card.
- Only the person named on the ID badge may use it to gain access to the library. Do not lend your ID badge to someone else to gain access or allow others into the library using your ID badge.
- When entering and leaving the library with your swipe card, please check that the doors close properly behind you. Ensure no one else has entered the building after you.
- If your authorised card does not work please contact Security via switchboard by dialling ‘0’ for RSCH or PRH and ‘4444’ for WO or SRH from any internal phone. Do not use the emergency number for this purpose.
- To leave the library, use the “press to exit” button and stand clear of the door as it opens. The Emergency Door Release should only be used if the door remains locked in the event of a fire.
- Do not leave the library without taking your ID badge or access card with you.
- Please do not switch off the lights at any time, including when leaving the library. They need to remain on for the security of others. Please ensure if you open a window you close it before you leave.
- You must only use the computers for work-related activities in accordance with Trust policies.
- Books can be self-issued or returned out of hours using your library membership card at the self-issue kiosks.
- There are CCTV cameras in the library which are monitored by Security.
- Out of hours access to the library is a privilege and we reserve the right to remove this access.
Location of fire exits
A map showing emergency exits is available in each library. If the fire alarm is sounded, you must leave the library immediately. Only use the fire doors in an emergency, using them at any other time will activate the fire alarm. See below for emergency contacts.
Out of hours access cards
Library members without University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust ID Cards can be issued with a Library OOH Access Card.
- Cards must be renewed every 12 months by presenting them at the library help desk, an email reminder will be sent before the due date.
- Holders of OOH Access cards must return them to the library when they cease to be library members.
- Lost or mislaid cards must be reported immediately to library staff.
For non-urgent enquiries
[email protected]