Four awards were presented to nursing and midwifery colleagues from University Hospitals Sussex on 9 January 2024, recognising outstanding and compassionate care, that exceed everyday expectations.
Andrea Lewis, Chief Nurse, NHS South East region, presented the awards on behalf of Ruth May, Chief Nursing Officer for NHS England. She said: “This is a big deal winning one of these awards, it’s no mean feat. Huge congratulations as there were so many nominations!”
Silver awards recognise excellence in clinical practice, education, research, patient and carer experience, leadership, and tackling diversity and health inequalities. Colleagues submit nominations and explain why they feel certain individuals should be considered.
Awards were presented to Pip Hale, Ward Manager at Chilgrove Ward, St Richard’s, and Terrie Whiteside, Ward Manager, Burlington Ward, Worthing, who were commended for their innovative care, which has had a huge impact on the lives of patients and their families.

Andrea read out the reasons for the first nomination: “Pip has tailored activities to help patients gain mobility and confidence by introducing seed planting, puzzles, chair yoga and much more. And Terrie introduced a breakfast bar where patients can self-service giving them more independence and a social aspect to their day.”
Pip Hale held back tears when the award was announced and said: “We are blown away and very grateful! It’s a pleasure to be part of the innovation and a pleasure to be working with everyone. I’m so glad I’m doing this job and I love working for the Trust.”
Terrie felt overwhelmed with gratitude to be given this award and said: “This achievement is not something that I did alone, and there are numerous others who deserve to share in this award. Many hours went into opening a new ward. It means so much to me that the work that I am so passionate about also resonates with others. Thank you to all that have supported me and mentored me.”
Another award was presented to Claire Harris, Matron, Midwifery at Worthing and St Richard’s hospitals for going above and beyond to support her colleagues and patients.

Andrea added the reasons for her nomination: “Claire is highly valued for her 24hr-a-day dedication to midwives and medics. She is also training as a counsellor and currently volunteering with the staff counselling team.”
With no knowledge of the award, Claire was surprised with her Silver Award and said: “I don’t feel worthy of this, I work with a team of people who all give well over what they need to. We all do it because we love the Trust, we love the people we work with, and we want to give the best to all the people that we serve and look after. It’s a team effort!”
Shailendrasingh (Shailen) Soobhug, Advanced Clinical Practioner, UHSussex, was another recipient of the accolade.

Andrea said: “Shailen is an approachable, collegiate, wise, kind, mentor and leader. He was nominated for his pioneering work in developing a unique Advanced Clinical Practice (ACP) role that provides exceptional care for patients.
“He has also recently had an academic paper published in the Journal of Perioperative Practice. This is the first paper by a nurse / ACP / non-medic on ultrasound-guided nerve blocks in the UK.”
Shailen was not expecting the award and said: “I’m really honoured, I don’t think I deserve this, but thank you!”
Maggie Davies, Chief Nurse for UHSussex said: “I am so proud of all our people, congratulations to all the nominees and award winners!”