On this page
Why am I being given this information?
You have had local anaesthetic injected into your breast and your skin.
The anaesthetic is called 1% lidocaine.
1% lidocaine is a local anaesthetic which can be present in breast milk.
It will only have an effect on the breast that has been injected. It will not affect the other breast.
Will lidocaine be harmful to my baby?
It is entirely safe to breast feed after local anaesthetic.
The amount of lidocaine that will be present in your breast milk is too small to be harmful to the baby.
If you wish to breast feed from that breast you may decide to express and throw away the milk from that breast for up to 12 hours after the procedure.
There is no evidence to support discarding milk after lidocaine but many women choose to do so. It is up to you, and if this is your choice, we will support your decision.
Who can I contact for further information and advice?
Imaging Department at the Park Centre for Breast Care
The Park Centre for Breast Care
Imaging Department
2nd Floor
177 Preston Road
Imaging Department
01273 696955
Ext. 63730