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This leaflet is to help you understand nurse led follow-up clinics for patients that have been diagnosed with lung cancer and have completed your treatment. This can often be referred to as ‘Surveillance”.
Following treatment from your lung cancer, your consultant can refer you to the nurse led surveillance clinic for ongoing support and monitoring.
The nurse led clinic can be either face to face or telephone consultation.
The clinic is usually held on a Monday afternoon.
Who runs the Nurse Led Clinic?
The clinic is run by the Macmillan Lung Cancer Nurse Specialist (CNS). The CNS has a vast knowledge in the field of Lung Cancer and have specialist skills in supporting patients, carers and families who are or have been affected by lung cancer.
The CNS works very closely with all members of the team involved in your treatment and care such as your respiratory or oncology consultants. The CNS can also liaise with the community teams including GP’s and Community Nurses to ensure you get the best advice and treatment.
What happens in the nurse led clinic
The clinic is currently held in the Sussex Cancer Centre at the Royal Sussex County Hospital Brighton.
The appointment can last up to 20 minutes at which you will be assessed and have an opportunity to ask any questions or discuss concerns that you or your family may have.
A HNA (holistic needs assessment) may be carried out in your appointment, this is to ensure that the CNS and wider team are supporting you as much as possible.
If you have had any recent imaging as part of your lung cancer follow-up, the CNS can advise you on the results of these.
Should you require any further tests or investigations, then the CNS can help organise this.
If deemed necessary, the CNS can liaise directly with the appropriate consultant. The CNS will also liaise with the wider Multidisciplinary Teams (MDT) as and when necessary, such as your GP and community nurses.
The CNS is supervised by both respiratory and oncology consultants.
What should I do if I have concerns between appointments?
Should you have any problems or concerns between your appointments then please contact your CNS on the number below.
If you have an urgent medical problem outside normal working hours, then please contact your GP/NHS 111.
If you have vision, mobility/access issues or you are not able to make the appointment then please contact us on the number above.
This information is intended for patients receiving care in Brighton and Hove.
The information in this leaflet is for guidance purposes only and is in no way intended to replace professional clinical advice by a qualified practitioner.