On this page
The Trust is committed to ensuring high standards of privacy and dignity for patients and carers and only in exceptional circumstances, for clinical reasons we will care for men and women in the same bay. In a recent national patient survey, 86% of patients said they were always treated with dignity and respect, which was one of the highest figures in the country.
In some areas it may not always be possible to care for you in an area with other patients of the same sex because we may need to use special equipment as part of your care. These areas are
intensive care, high dependency care and Accident and Emergency. However, in these areas we do provide substantial screening to preserve your privacy and dignity.
Whilst we will do our utmost to place you in an appropriate area, sometimes in urgent situations such as in the middle of the night the only available bed may be in an area with patients of the opposite sex but there will always be substantial screens in place. If you are placed in an area with patients of the opposite sex, we will explain why this has been necessary and make every effort to remedy the situation within 48 hours.
If you would like to talk to someone about this, please speak to the Nurse in Charge of the ward or the Matron for the area. If you feel your concerns have not been resolved on the ward, you can contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) for further advice or assistance. Any member of staff can call PALS for you or you can find their contact details on posters displayed in your ward area.
What you can always expect
- That you will be called by your preferred name.
- That you will be placed in the best available bed to care for you at that time.
- That you will be addressed politely.
- That nurses will ensure that you are suitably covered.
- That you will share bathrooms and toilets with members of the same sex.
- That you may ask to be cared for by a nurse of the same sex and where possible every effort will be made to meet your request.
- That nurses will actively listen to any concerns that you have and will do their best to resolve them with you.
How you can get in touch with PALS
This leaflet is intended for patients receiving care in Brighton & Hove or Haywards Heath
The information in this leaflet is for guidance purposes only and is in no way intended to replace professional clinical advice by a qualified practitioner.