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Who is in the multidisciplinary team?
The Multidisciplinary team consists of doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals, who have specialist training and experience in the diagnosis, care and treatment of patients with brain tumours. We meet weekly to discuss individual patient treatment and care. We have listed below some of the people that are in the team caring for you.
- Neurosurgeon and MDT lead clinician: Mr Giles Critchley
- Clinical oncologists: Dr Juliet Brock and Dr Edward Chandy
- Macmillan neuro-oncology nurse specialists
- Radiology: Dr Catriona Good
Main telephone
01444 441881
Ext. 68466
Katie Wright
07769 884957
Ruth Smith
07876 392543
[email protected]
How does the team support my care?
We work closely together to plan and deliver the most effective treatment and support for each individual patient. This is done in consultation with the patient and his/her family, and occurs at each stage of their care. If there is anything about your care and treatment that you do not understand please don’t be afraid to ask. We are all here to help.
Where will I have my treatment?
Any surgery is done at Royal Sussex County Hospital and will require a stay on the surgical ward there.
Depending on the type of brain tumour, you may receive one or a combination of treatments. These can include surgery, radiotherapy (x-ray treatment) and/or chemotherapy (drug treatment). If you need radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy your treatment will be based at the Sussex Cancer Centre at the Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton. This treatment is given as an outpatient.
You will see your oncologist during your treatment and/or follow-up.
Neuro-oncology appointments
We will do our very best to see you promptly. However, owing to the often complex nature of brain/spinal tumours, it is sometimes necessary to give a patient extra time over and above that which has been allocated. This can mean the clinics are sometimes delayed. We are grateful for your patience and understanding, and please be assured that we will always give you the time you need when you attend for your clinic appointment or treatment planning.
Clinical trials
RSCH is a teaching hospital and conducts research studies, which compare new or different treatments with existing ones. If you are asked to join a clinical trial, you are free to choose whether or not to take part in it. The Clinical Nurse Specialists and specially trained research nurses will provide you with the information you need to make that decision.
Information regarding your diagnosis is added to a national brain tumour database to be used in future research. Please ask if you would like to know more.
Patient information
You will be provided with information booklets and leaflets by your Nurse Specialist. If at any time you require further information please do not hesitate to ask us.
Someone to talk to
The diagnosis and subsequent treatment/s of a brain tumour often have a major emotional effect on a person. Your Clinical Nurse Specialist (who is also known as your key worker) is here to provide supportive care, advice and information about your particular type of tumour. Here are some further organisations and people that you may find it helpful to talk to:
Macmillan Cancer Support
0808 808 0000
01983 292405
The Brain Tumour Charity
0808 800 0004
For young people who have a parent who has cancer
You are entitled to copies of correspondence. Please ask if you would like any further information regarding this.
This information is intended for patients receiving care in Brighton & Hove or Haywards Heath
The information here is for guidance purposes only and is in no way intended to replace professional clinical advice by a qualified practitioner.