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What is a placenta check scan?
This scan has been booked to reassess the position of your placenta which would have been low lying at your anomaly scan. The placenta should be 2cm away from the cervix by 36 weeks of pregnancy. If at 32 weeks the placenta is still low, it will be reassessed at 36 weeks. 94% of placentas will move to be clear of the cervix by 36 weeks.
Your baby’s growth will also be assessed. This scan can take up to 20 minutes.
What happens before my examination?
Please come with an empty bladder.
Please note we are a university trust and regularly have trainee sonographer and student midwives present at the scan. If you do not wish for a student to be present please inform the sonographer.
What will happen during the examination?
The sonographer will perform a series of measurements to check the growth of the baby. These are:
• HC Head circumference (around the baby’s head).
• AC Abdominal circumference (around the baby’s waist line).
• FL Femur length (the length of the thigh bone) .
These measurements are plotted on a graph to show the growth of your baby.
Placenta position and liquor (fluid around the baby) will be assessed. If your placenta cannot be assessed over the abdomen, you will be offered an internal (vaginal) scan which will give a more accurate view of your cervix.
What happens after?
The sonographer will explain the results and a copy will be given to you or transferred to your digital notes. If you do not understand the results please ask the sonographer to explain further.
This leaflet is intended for patients receiving care in Brighton and Hove or Haywards Heath.
The information in this leaflet is for guidance purposes only and is in no way intended to replace professional clinical advice by a qualified practitioner.