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What are the aims of the exercises?
- Relaxing the neck and shoulder muscles
- Training the eyes to move independently of the head
- Practising good balance in everyday situations
- Practising the head movements that cause dizziness (to help the development of vestibular compensation)
- Improving general co-ordination
- Encouraging natural spontaneous movement
- Make sure that you are in a safe environment before you start any of the exercises to reduce the risk of injury
- All exercises should be performed slowly to begin with and gradually progress to faster movements
- Exercises should be performed 3 times a day
Level 1: Eye movements (head kept still)
- Look up then down, slowly at first, then rapidly 20 times.
- As above but side to side.
- Focus on fingers at arm’s length. Maintain focus while moving fingers towards nose and away again 20 times.
Level 2: Head and eye movements (sitting)
- Bend head forwards and backwards (eyes open). Do this slowly then quickly.
- As above. Rotating to the left and then to the right.
- Repeat both of the above but with eyes closed.
Level 3: Arms and body movements (sitting)
- Shrug shoulders 20 times.
- Circle shoulders 20 times.
- Rotate to the right and then to the left, at waist (i.e: upper part of the body moves together) 20 times.
- Turn head side to side through full range of rotation, slowly.
- Repeat above doing two slow turns followed by one rapid turn.
- Repeat above followed after a couple of seconds pause, by three rapid turns.
- Repeat above turning with eyes closed.
Level 4: Arm and trunk movements (standing)
- Repeat all level 3.
- Sit down and stand up 20 times with eyes open.
- Sit down and stand up 20 times with eyes closed.
Where can I get further information?
Ménière’s Society
Telephone 01306 876883
Brain and Spine Foundation
Telephone 0808 8081000
Who can I contact with any concerns or questions?
If you have any problems or are worried, please do not hesitate to contact us in the Ear, Nose and Throat Outpatient Department.
Royal Sussex County Hospital
ENT outpatient department 01273 696955 Ext. 64813
This leaflet is intended for patients receiving care in Brighton & Hove or Haywards Heath.
The information in this leaflet is for guidance purposes only and is in no way intended to replace professional clinical advice by a qualified practitioner.