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What is virtual fracture clinic?
Virtual fracture clinic (VFC) was set-up and is run by the paediatric orthopaedic (bone specialist) doctors and physiotherapy team. Treating your child’s injury out of hospital saves the stress of a hospital visit, prevents unnecessary time off school as well as avoiding time off work for you.
What happens next?
A paediatric orthopaedic consultant will review your child’s x-ray and the information provided by the children’s emergency department. There are many injuries in children that do not require any special treatment and generally heal without a problem.
We will provide high quality information early after injury to reassure your child and your family, explain how to manage the injury and when to contact the service if you have any concerns.
How do you contact me?
We will normally contact you within seven days of your injury either by email, providing all the information required for your child’s injury, or by phone to organise a follow up in clinic.
However, if you are worried that you are unable to follow this advice, or have any questions, please email the VFC team: [email protected].
What happens if nobody gets in touch?
In the unlikely event of the VFC not contacting you simply get in touch via our dedicated email. Please provide your child’s name, date of birth and a brief explanation of their injury: [email protected]
Our aim is to provide information that will help you understand your child’s injury and enable the appropriate after-care. There are lots of useful injury leaflets to download at the Royal Alexandra website.
Useful numbers
NHS 111 – 24hr advice line
Practice Plus
Brighton Walk-In Centre
0333 321 0946
Practice Plus GP
0300 130 3333
7 days a week
8:00 am to 8:00 pm
The information in this leaflet is for guidance purposes only and is in no way intended
to replace professional clinical advice by a qualified practitioner.