On this page
About us
Our aim is to help you to reduce the intrusiveness of tinnitus using advice, sound therapy and behavioural strategies.
How we help
Our team of hearing therapists provide the following services:
- tinnitus assessments, including hyperacusis and other sound sensitivity, using approaches tailored for people with learning disabilities or dementia where necessary.
- advice about how to manage your hearing and tinnitus, and onward referral to our adult audiology service for hearing aids and more help with hearing if required.
- fitting and adjustment of ear level noise generators when required.
- a programme of exercises to aid habituation using a cognitive/behavioural therapeutic model.
- comprehensive aftercare including follow ups and repairs.
- home visits for the housebound. This service is only available at GP request.
If you have a severe / profound hearing loss we provide a dedicated service. You will meet hearing therapists with specialist knowledge.
Tinnitus information video
This video is around 45 minutes long and contains a lot of helpful information about tinnitus and is an essential part of our tinnitus care.
Getting ready for your appointment
In preparation for your first appointment, please think about four situations where you would like to be able to hear more clearly.
What to bring
- Please bring your hearing aids, ear moulds and any documentation you may have from previous appointments.
- If you wear glasses please bring these with you to your appointment.
- We would encourage you to bring a family member or friend with you to your appointment. There may be some detailed information that you would like to discuss further after your appointment. It will provide an opportunity for your companion to find out more about the difficulties of your hearing.
If you need an interpreter for any language including British Sign Language, please contact our department as soon as possible so we can arrange this.
Hospital transport
If you need hospital transport you can arrange this through your GP.
What happens at your appointment?
Consultations usually last around 30 to 60 minutes. You may be seen in a group and if this is the case it will be clear on your appointment letter. We will ask you about your ears and the tinnitus, and any difficulties you may be having.
We will look in your ears to check they are healthy and may complete a hearing test. This usually involves wearing a pair of headphones and pressing a button whenever you hear a beep.
After discussing your symptoms and the results of your hearing test, we will explain your options. Together we will agree on a plan to help with the tinnitus and any hearing difficulties you may be experiencing.
This plan may include:
- advice on where tinnitus come from
- advice on ways to make tinnitus less intrusive
- fitting of one or two hearing aids or noise generators
- information on assistive listening devices, for example equipment to help you hear the TV or phone
- referral to other specialists such as an ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor or audiologist.
Where we are
Our tinnitus services in Brighton are available across the following sites:
- Royal Sussex County Hospital, in Sussex House which is just a few minutes walk from the main site.
- Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital
Contact us
Audiology Department
Sussex House
Abbey Road
Support Group
Our support group meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month, between 2.00pm to 3.30pm.
Support group contact details
Friends Meeting House
Ship Street
For more information email: [email protected]
Audiology 0300 303 9640