We are made up of a team of consultant dermatologists, plastic surgeons, nurse specialists, junior doctors and physician associates. They provide expert assessment, diagnosis and treatment of all skin complaints and skin cancer.
How we help
General dermatology clinics happen daily and where possible we will carry out a diagnostic biopsy on the same day of your visit.
A full range of topical, drug, light treatment (known as phototherapy), cryotherapy (use of extreme cold to freeze and remove abnormal tissue) and surgical treatments are available.
We will see suspected skin cancer referrals in our dedicated 2 week wait clinics.
Lesion based referrals are seen in our tele-dermatology and rapid assessment spot diagnosis clinics.
We also have a range of specialist clinics for complex condition management.
Specialist Inflammatory Clinics provided include:
- Acne
- Biologic therapy
- Eczema
- Hair loss clinic (tertiary)
- Hidradenitis Suppurativa (tertiary)
- Immunobullous skin disorders
- Patch testing
- Psoriasis
- Psychological dermatology/Psychological therapy (tertiary)
- Transplant recipient/Immunosuppressed skin surveillance clinic
- Vulval and genital clinics
Where we are
Brighton General Hospital
- Dermatology services in Brighton are held at Brighton General Hospital.
- General dermatology clinics are also provided at Meridian Surgery Peacehaven, Lewes Victoria Hospital and Mile Oak Surgery.
- Day surgery are held at either Brighton General Hospital or Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead, depending on the complexity of the surgery and patient choice.
Admin 01273 665140
Secretary Ext. 01273 665019
Other locations
Princess Royal Hospital 01444 441881
Worthing Hospital 01903 205111
St Richard’s Hospital 01243 788122