Help minimise the spread of respiratory infection. Support us by following our guidance.

Specialist support

Help for extra care needs in pregnancy or after the birth.

Pregnancy loss

We have dedicated midwives who will provide care, information and support to you and your partner following miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal death.

Perinatal mental health

Having a baby is a time of huge emotional change for everyone. We can help you to get the support you need if you’re struggling with your mental health.


When you smoke, your baby does too. We know it can be hard to quit. We can help you to take that first step to stop smoking for good.

Alcohol and substance use

It is always best to tell your midwife or your GP if you have used any drugs or alcohol during pregnancy. We can then provide the best possible care for you and your baby.

Domestic abuse

Pregnancy can be a trigger for domestic abuse, and existing abuse may get worse during pregnancy or after giving birth. We are here to give you help and support.

Diabetes in pregnancy

We give specialist antenatal care for patients who are already diabetic or who develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

Healthy lifestyle and weight management

We run programmes for pregnant women and people to help them to stay healthy during pregnancy and beyond.

Teenagers and young parents

If you will be under 20 when you have your baby we will be able to offer you extra antenatal and postnatal care.

Birth stories

Birth Stories gives women and birthing people the opportunity to talk through their birth experience, especially if you have had a traumatic labour.