Heart, lung and blood vessels
Our cardiorespiratory physiotherapists assist patients with cardiovascular and respiratory problems. These difficulties may be as a result of long standing disease e.g. asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), surgery or a condition requiring a stay in intensive care.
- The team provides treatment and advice in the field of respiratory care and also to patients with acute mobility problems. Patients that may benefit from input include:
- High risk upper abdominal surgery patients (>75 years, COPD or chronic respiratory disease, ↑ BMI, general weakness).
- Patients with ineffective coughs due to neurological injuries, eg: SCI, MND, GBS
- Major trauma patients with chest injuries, eg: rib fractures
- Patients in respiratory distress i.e. unable to clear their secretions, ↑ WOB, lung collapse
- Patients with reduced mobility i.e. recent discharge from ITU (RSCH or other), general malaise and weakness, elderly patients
- HDU and ITU patients
This service also provides treatment to outpatients in the areas of:
Pulmonary rehabilitation
This 6 week course of exercise and education promotes health and well being for people with long term breathing problems.
Cardiac rehabilitation
Rehabilitation patients are assessed in the physiotherapy department and offered a 6 week course of structured comprehensive exercise and education known as ‘Phase III Cardiac Rehabilitation”. This includes supervised exe
Contact us
Princess Royal Hospital:
01444 441881
Ext. 68664
Sussex Rehabilitation Centre at PRH:
01444 441881
Ext. 65788
Brighton General Hospital:
01273 665111
Falls Prevention Service:
01273 265574
Hove Polyclinic:
0300 3040118
Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital:
01273 696955
Ext. 63153
Sussex Orthopaedic Treatment Centre:
01444 441881
Ext. 68834
Sussex Rehabilitation Centre (amputees):
01273 696011
Ext. 63807