On-site pay-and-display parking
Car park 1
Opposite the main entrance, includes 16 disabled bays.
Car park 4
Situated behind the main hospital building.
There is also pay-and-display parking at the Hurstwood Park Centre, Sussex Orthopaedic Treatment Centre, MRI and in the 6 disabled bays immediately opposite the main entrance.
0 to 2 hours £2.00
2 to 4 hours £3.70
4 to 6 hours £4.40
6 to 12 hours £8.00
12 to 24 hours £18.00
Blue badge holders are not charged.
Machines accept coins and bank/credit cards for payment. Please note the machines do not give change.
Charges apply to all users (excluding disabled badge holders).
Concessions are available for cancer centre patients, patients who are in hospital for a long period and their relatives and carers. Parking is free for specific patient groups such as those undergoing regular dialysis.
Income from car parking charges is re-invested in the management and maintenance of the Trust’s car parks and in green travel initiatives, including the inter-site bus service between RSCH and PRH.
On-street pay-and-display bays
There is pay-and-display parking along Colwell Road.