These include databases of research articles, guidelines, systematic reviews and statistics, as well as evidence-based summaries for use at the point of care.
Accessing resources
For many of the resources you will need an NHS OpenAthens username and password.
Forgotten your NHS OpenAthens password? Moved here from another trust? Need to renew your account? See our advice on NHS OpenAthens.
Getting started
For a comprehensive search (for patient care, research or service improvement) we recommend using the resources on the right-hand side.
We offer teaching and training on these tools and webcasts for you to watch at your own leisure. Or we can carry out an evidence review for you if it is not for a course or assignment.
For a quick search for journal articles on a topic use the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub.
Choose the link for your organisation:
University Hospitals Sussex Sussex Partnership Sussex Community Sussex Primary Care Sussex Public Health