We provide phlebotomy (blood test) services for UHSussex hospitals. Blood tests provide information about your health which is used to help in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease.
Booking a blood test
Hospital appointments
If you have been asked to have a blood test by one of our hospitals’ services (for example at an outpatient clinic) you can book an appointment.
You must have an appointment before attending.
You will need to bring the pathology request form which should have been filled in by your doctor or dentist (or a nurse acting for a named doctor or dentist).
Your healthcare provider may ask you to provide other types of sample for testing, such as urine or faeces (poo). Please follow any instructions you are given about how to provide the sample and where to return it.
GP patients
GP patients should have their blood taken either at their surgery, or for Brighton and Hove GP patients at Hove Polyclinic (by appointment only on 01273 265580).
Children’s blood tests
Please visit our children’s services page for full details on your child’s blood test.
Children’s servicesOther samples
Your healthcare provider may ask you to provide other types of sample for testing, such as urine or faeces (stool). Please follow any instructions you are given about how to provide the sample and where to return it. Please visit our pathology page for further details.
About your lab tests
If you want to find out more about laboratory tests we recommend LabTestsOnLineUK. This is a website aimed at patients and designed to help you understand why lab tests are done, what results mean, and how they are used.
Your results are sent to the service that requested the test (for example the hospital clinic or GP surgery). The time taken to do laboratory tests varies. Please follow your healthcare provider’s advice on when to expect your results.