Screening does this by finding breast cancers at an early stage, when they are too small to see or feel. Breast screening uses an x-ray test called a mammogram to check the breast for signs of cancer.
The scan is quick and simple and early detection of cancer may often mean simpler and more successful treatment.
Clients aged 50 up to their 71st birthday are invited to have breast screening every three years, as long as they are registered with a GP and their gender marker is female.
The date of your first mammogram depends on the GP you are registered with, not the date of your birthday. We have up to a patients 53rd birthday to invite them for routine screening. Find out more at
If you are 71 you can choose to have Breast Screening, however you are not routinely invited and will need to call your local breast screening unit to arrange an appointment.
Brighton, Hove and East Sussex breast screening service is open to 110,000 women across the county.
Screening locations
We have three mobile screening units that offer appointments at the following nine locations:
- Lewes – Victoria Hospital, Nevill Road, Lewes, BN7 1PF
- Newhaven – Newhaven Rehabilitation Clinic, BN9 9HH
- Eastbourne – Eastbourne Train Station, BN21 3QJ
- Hastings – The Conquest Hospital, TN37 7RD
- Heathfield – Community Centre, TN21 0XG
- Uckfield – Uckfield Hospital, TN22 5AW
- Crowborough – Crowborough Hospital, TN6 1HB
- Brighton & hove – Park Centre, Preston Road BN1 6AG
Screening results
Every mammogram is examined by two specialist film readers, with a radiologist and film reader brought in if they do not agree on the results.
There are three possible results at this stage:
- Normal: No abnormalities were seen and you will be routinely recalled in three years’ time if aged under 71.
- Recall for assessment: The film readers have identified an area of concern or change in the mammograms and further tests are required. You will be invited to attend the Park Centre for Breast Care within three weeks of the original mammogram.
- Technical recall: For technical reasons, some images need to be repeated before they can be reported as ‘normal’ or ‘recall for assessment’.
Breast screening is a well woman service and approximately 95% of women who attend will get a normal result.
Your choice
It is your choice whether or not you have breast screening.
If you have any questions about what breast screening involves, please call us on 01273 446017.
If you would like to talk to someone about whether to have breast screening, your GP can help. Together, you can weigh up the possible benefits and risks, to help you decide.
Contact details
Breast screening office
Our staff will be happy to help and direct you to the correct staff member for specific queries.
Call 01273 446017
Email [email protected]