All Trauma Networks are expected to have a network strategy for training and education, reviewed as part of the ongoing oversight and governance of the network.
Several of the Major Trauma Quality Indicators (TQUINS) specify standards concerning training. The expectation is that staff involved in care of patient with major trauma across the network should have access to the appropriate training for their work. A network-wide approach to providing this training has significant advantages in that training resources can be shared. The Major Trauma Centre is expected to be actively involved in training across the network, sharing its expertise. Siomilarly, Trauma Units should share their experiences and expertise.
The Sussex Trauma Network has developed an Education and Training Strategy that can be viewed and downloaded.
The Network has an Education Subcommittee consisting of representatives from the Major Trauma Centre, Trauma Units and prehospital service providers, from a variety of disciplines including nurses, dcotres, rehabilitatrions staff and paramedics. The emphasis of this subcommittee is more on following a process than in meetings, where representative identify local training needs, which are shared across the network. The process is defined in a document – Education Group Structure and Functions.
The Education Subcommittee’s planned workstream includes development of a variety of online training resources as well as sharing information about existing training packages, courses and resources.
As more information becomes available it will be posted on this page.