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Health Passport
The Health Passport is a supportive tool for any staff that have long-term health conditions that may need to have a workplace or reasonable adjustment. The passport is voluntary and provides a structured way of having and recording meaningful conversations about health and adjustments between staff and their line manager or supervisor.
Carers Passport
We recognise the diverse nature of caring responsibilities within our workforce. The purpose of the Carers passport is to enable staff with caring responsibilities and their managers to hold supportive and open conversations to discuss and document the flexibilities needed to support combining caring and work.
These conversations involve balancing the needs of the staff members with the needs of the department, within existing UHSussex policies. The aim is to minimise the need to re-negotiate these flexibilities every time a staff member moves post, moves between departments or is assigned a new manager. The carers passport can be completed by any staff member who has caring responsibilities which they believe could have an impact on their ability to work currently or at some point in the future. All information will remain confidential between the manager and the staff member and not shared unless prior agreement is sort from the staff member. This is designed to be a ‘live’ document to be reviewed every year and/or in response to any changes in the nature or impact of the caring responsibilities.