NHS Adult Inpatient Survey 2024
Friends & Family Patient feedback surveys
Have you been treated recently?
- We want to hear about your experience with us. Feedback to us via the friends and family patient survey or using the QR code.
Feedback from patients is essential to help us continue to make improvements within our hospitals.
Have your say by completing a survey about your care and treatment.
Why get involved?
Patient and public involvement is important. You help us to improve all aspects of health care, including patient safety, patient experience and health outcomes – giving people the power to live healthier lives.
Participation, by the people who use and care about NHS services, enables us to understand and respond to their needs; including those who have the poorest health. This helps us to improve access to services and reduce differences in health in different communities. It allows us to see things through the eyes of those who use our services and to be innovative, leading to better use of taxpayers’ money.
By listening to patients and responding to what they tell us, we can improve the services we provide.
Our ratings for July 2024
Below are the percentage of patients who gave us a positive or negative score also broken down by those who answered; “Very good” or “Good” to the question: “Overall, how was your experience of our service?” last month.
Positive responses received can be broken down by area:
Friends and family test results
Results from our Friends and Family tests can be found on the NHS England website.
National surveys
We take part in a number of nationally run surveys led by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
If you are sent a questionnaire as part of one of these surveys, please try to complete and return it so that we can learn from your experiences and make improvements as necessary in future.
The results of our surveys can be found on the Care Quality Commission website.
Share your story on Care Opinion
Care Opinion is a place where you can share your experience of health or care services, and help make them better for everyone.