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My job
- Have a conversation with your line manager as soon as possible.
- If flexibility is required, refer to the Work Life Balance Policy or use Carers or Health passport to assist conversations with your manager.
- If social issues with team members refer to the Speaking Up process for bullying.
- Raise Development Needs or discuss elements of your role with your line manager
Working environment/equipment
- Inform your line manager.
- Inform your Health & Safety representative.
- Report on RLDatix. Risk assess on SHE Evotix.
- Investigation by the investigating Manager.
- If required, escalate to appropriate lead for action.
- Feedback to individual. Learning to inform Trust’s Health & Safety Strategy.
My health
- Discuss with your line manager if you feel comfortable.
- If required, refer individual to Occupational Health or Staff Psychological Support Service.
- Speak to your department Mental Health First Aider.
- Self Refer to the Staff Psychological Support Service or Chaplaincy
- Review the resources and support available on the Wellbeing Website.
Patient safety (patient falls/unsafe staffing)
- Speak to your line manager or matron/manager’s manager if appropriate.
- Speak to Trust Freedom to Speak up Guardian and/or Patient Safety Team (opens on intranet).
- Report on RLDatix (automatically notifies stakeholders).
- RSCH/PRH (staff only – opens on intranet)
- WOR/SRH/SLH (staff only – opens on intranet)
- Service level agreement – response within 7 days.
- Investigation by the investigating manager.
- If required, escalate to appropriate lead for action.
- Feedback to individual. Learning to inform Trust’s patient experience strategy.
Line manager behaviour
- Raise behaviour direct with line manager.
- Use toolkits place to help facilitate a conversation.
- If you don’t feel comfortable, speak to your line managers manager / your clinical supervisor/Professional Nurse Advocate.
- An informal meeting may be set up between both parties.
- As a last resort, speak to your Employee Relations Manager about raising a formal grievance.
- Appropriate action taken depending on outcome. Staff support provided throughout.
- Speak with the person directly to resolve these behaviourial concerns.
- Use toolkits in place to help facilitate a conversation.
- Involve your line manager if you need support to address the concern. Any informal meeting may be set up for between both parties.
- Arrange a formal meeting with support from Employee Relations if required.
- As a last resort, speak to your Employee Relations Manager about raising a formal grievance.
Violence/discrimination/harassment/hate crime from a colleague/manager
- Report the incident to your line manager or senior manager (if concerning line manager).
- Discuss the incident with Employee Relations and seek advice.
- If informal action, you/manager will be supported to take appropriate steps.
- If formal, support will be provided by Employee relations to follow correct process.
Violence/discrimination/harassment/hate crime from a patient/visitor
- Report the incident to your line manger.
- Report on RLDatix (automatically notifies stakeholders).
- RSCH/PRH (opens on intranet).
- WOR/SRH/SLH (opens on intranet).
- Service level agreement- response within 7 days.
- Investigation by the Investigation Manager.
- If required, escalate to appropriate lead for action.
- Feedback to individual. Learning to inform Trust’s violence prevention and reduction (VPR) action plan.
- Individual offered support through the staff psychological support service (talking therapies, team debriefs).
- If formal, manager will be supported by Employee Relations to follow the correct formal process.