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Our current research

We are pleased to highlight some of the current research the Trust is leading or participating in, and hope that you will find the information useful.

National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)

'BePartofResearch which features on the NIHR page houses many of our research studies. At UHSussex we want every patient to be offered the opportunity to take part.

Spotlight sessions

Here we highlight some of our researchers and clinical studies.

Cancer Services

The new UHSussex Cancer Division includes the Sussex Cancer Centre Oncology Service and the Haemato-oncology service.

Cardiac Research

The Sussex Cardiac Centre is a world class cardiology unit based at the University Hospital Sussex, providing tertiary cardiology services to Sussex.

HIV, Sexual Health and Contraception Service

Our HIV outpatient clinic (The Lawson Unit) provides care for over 2,400 people living with HIV (PLWH) across the region.

Critical and Peri-Operative Care, Worthing & St Richard’s Hospitals

Our team provide care for patients admitted to hospital for a wide variety of problems across medical and surgical settings.

Infection Services

The clinical infection service provides infection prevention, diagnosis and management services across the Trust and for the wider population of Sussex.

End of Life Palliative Care Research Group

End of life care is one of the core services of University Hospital Sussex NHS Foundation Trust and we are keen to establish and build an evidence base for our palliative care service.

Cardiology research- focus on commercial studies at St Richard’s Hospital

The first clinical trial which the St Richard's cardiology team were involved in was funded by the British Heart Foundation. As a result most patients admitted with acute coronary syndrome are now routinely investigated.