Get a free home test for Hepatitis C
Lots of people have hepatitis C without knowing. Even if you do not know you have it, it can damage your liver and can sometimes lead to life-threatening conditions like liver cancer or liver failure.
You can order a free, confidential hepatitis C test at home.
View the Hepatitis C home ordering kit poster
About the network
In 2016 NHSE established 22 Operational Delivery Networks (ODNs) across England to deliver Hepatitis C treatment – with Sussex being one of them.
As outlined by NHS England, ODNs coordinate patient pathways between providers over a wide area to make sure there’s access to specialist resources and expertise.
The purpose of our network is:
- To provide high quality hepatology services to patients within Sussex that comply with the NHS England national service specification.
- To make sure that all eligible patients are able to access specialist management and treatment for Hepatitis C (HCV).
- To increase the number of patients who are treated and cured of HCV using the most clinically appropriate and cost effective options.
- To provide uniform and consistent service delivery through the use of standardised patient pathways and sharing best practices and experience.
We work in partnership with other local care services and professionals. This means that clinicians make sure that those with the greatest need get rapid access to the revolutionary treatment that is available. This treatment can currently cure more than 95% of people with a hepatitis C infection.
Network area
Our Network is comprised of two NHS Trusts: University Hospitals Sussex NHS Trust (UHSussex), covering Brighton & Hove and West Sussex locations, and East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (ESHT).
UHSussex host the Sussex Hepatitis C ODN with Brighton & Hove acting as the hub with West Sussex and ESHT locations operating as Spoke sites.
As well as other NHS trusts, we also collaborate with many different partner organisations, all of which are working toward the same goal of eliminating Hepatitis C by 2025.
These partners include:
- GPs
- day centres
- sexual health
- homeless hostels
- Hepatitis C Trust
- approved premises (AP)
- prison healthcare teams
- Public Health England (PHE)
- drug and alcohol recovery services
The network covers all of Sussex excluding Crawley, which is supported by Surrey and Sussex Healthcare (SASH) NHS Trust.
Sussex has a population of over 1.8m people and comprises of a wide geographical area that includes 164 GP practices. All NHS organisations in Sussex are part of NHS Sussex which is the Integrated Care Board (ICB) for the region as well as the Sussex Health and Care Integrated Care System.

Network membership
Dr Jeremy Tibble, Consultant Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist at UHSussex, is the Clinical Lead for the ODN. He is supported by the clinical network manager, lead hepatology clinical nurse specialist and research lead.
ODN Leads
- Dr Jeremy Tibble, Consultant Gastroenterologist & Clinical Lead
- Dr Sumita Verma, Professor and Honorary Consultant in Hepatology & Research Lead
- Duncan Cresswell, Clinical Network Manager
- Samantha Readhead, Lead Hepatology Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Network enquiries should be sent to Duncan Cresswell.
Network meetings
The Sussex Hepatitis C Network meet every quarter to update partners from across the Network on CQUIN performance, current services, future plans, the latest NHSE requirements and to share ideas on how we can continue to improve and support our community.
Attendees typically include stakeholders from community services as well as any NHS teams involved in Hep C elimination (PHE e.g.).