Engaging every patient in research
To encourage patients to take part in research, we asked a variety of people who were initially hesitant to take part, to share their stories.
These people were residents from small coastal towns and we ensured that we heard stories from people from a range of ages, different ethnic backgrounds, and disabilities. We used the experience of these people to inform the development of the three stories in this book.
We hope that by sharing these stories we might encourage more people to get involved in research.
Citation managers
We recommend the use of one of a number of free reference management apps that will help you manage your research efficiently:
Critical appraisal
- Our libraries hold several books on critical appraisal, which are available for a four week loan.
- Critical Appraisal Skills Programme – eight critical appraisal checklists available to use when reading research papers.
- The Bottom Line – a compendium of critical appraisals of landmark papers in critical care medicine.
Other links
- Web of Science My Research Assistant – search journals on the go.
- Innovation journey resources – a set of free resources compiled by the West of England Academic Health Science Network to provide support to the innovation journey.
- Recruiting underserved populations infographic