About us
In Brighton, we run specialist outpatient clinics all week at Royal Sussex County Hospital and Princess Royal Hospital, Haywards Heath.
We also run specialist outpatient clinics Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at Worthing, St Richards and Southlands Hospital and manage a range of liver conditions.
Liver services
- advanced management of cirrhosis and its complications
- advanced management of Autoimmune Hepatitis
- advanced management of HBV and HCV related liver disease
- 24-hour on call service for emergency endoscopy (Bleeding from varices/dilated blood vessels in the gullet and stomach)
- ambulatory ascitic drain insertion
- long term ascitic drain insertion
- endoscopy – screening and treatment of oesophageal and gastric varices
- endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography (ERCP)
- ultrasound guided (percutaneous, through the skin) liver biopsy
- transjugular (through a vessel in the neck) liver biopsy
- monthly Hepatology MDT (working closely with our specialist histopathologist and radiologist)
- monthly Advanced Liver Disease MDT (affiliated with the specialist palliative care team).
We refer patients for liver transplantation assessment to Kings College Hospital in London.
We refer patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma (primary liver cancer) to the Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford and Kings College Hospital in London for further treatment.
Meet the team
- Dr Jeremy Tibble
- Dr Mark Austin
- Dr Khaleel Jamil
- Professor Sumita Verma
- Dr Ziva Mrevlje
- Dr Nicholas Parnell
Clinical nursing team
- Samantha Readhead, Lead Hepatology Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Mags O’Sullivan, Community Hepatitis C Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Sophie Costello, Hepatology Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Mucha Marufu, Hepatology Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Majella Keller, Hepatology Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Marie Francis, Hepatology Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Emma Gray, Hepatology Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Tracy Blunt, Hepatology Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Jo Smith, Hepatology Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Vikki Charles, Hepatology Clinical Research Nurse
- Natasha Sanderson, Viral Hepatitis Nurse
- Barbara Hare, Hepatitis C Elimination Nurse
- Fiona Rees, Lead Pharmacist
- Megan Hockly, Pharmacist
- Angela Packham, Pharmacist
Administrative Team
We also have a fantastic administrative team consisting of a Patient Coordinator, Administrator Assistant, Senior Hepatology Information Analyst and Data Officer that all work together to support our Hepatology team.
Where we are
Our specialist consultants and nurses deliver services throughout Sussex including Royal Sussex County Hospital, Worthing Hospital and St Richard’s Hospital in Chichester.
Our nursing team also delivers viral hepatitis services in substance misuse services, homeless hostels and local prisons across Sussex.
Hepatology is part of the department of digestive diseases at Royal Sussex County Hospital and the division of medicine in Worthing and Chichester.
UHSussex leads the Sussex Hepatology Operational Delivery Network (ODN) for Hepatitis C treatment. Our Network is comprised of two NHS Trusts: University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust (UHSussex) acting as the hub covering Brighton & Hove, Worthing and Chichester locations, and East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (ESHT) as an affiliated spoke service.