We offer outpatient clinics on the main acute hospital site at Worthing Hospital and at Southlands Hospital in Shore-by-Sea.
We see patients with suspected inflammatory arthritis in our early arthritis clinics (mainly at Southlands Hospital) within 4 weeks of referral. These clinics are consultant-led but are supported by a nurse specialist for follow-up.
We have combined specialist clinics for children, foot and ankle, dermatology and ophthalmology. We also have clinics for axial spondyloarthropathy (chronic arthritis that mainly affects the joints of the spine) and joint injections, which are physiotherapist-led.
We have a separate nurse-led osteoporosis service for patients requiring parenteral drug treatments and the consultants assist in the reporting of DEXA scans.
The rheumatology department is based on the first floor of the Washington suite at Worthing Hospital, where the administration team are based, and we also have an office at Southlands Hospital.
Nurse Helpline
Please note that the helpline is not an emergency line. If you need urgent advice, or advice not related to your rheumatology condition, you should contact your GP, call 111 or attend your nearest Emergency Department.
You should only call the Helpline if:
- you have a ‘flare-up’ of your condition that has not improved using self-help measures for at least a week
- you are experiencing side-effects which you feel may be caused by the medication prescribed specifically for your arthritis (DMARDs and biologics)
- you have concerns relating to your condition or treatment which cannot wait until your next rheumatology appointment
- your doctor or nurse specifically asked you report progress
General advice on the management of flares of inflammatory arthritis can be found on the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society website (NRAS).
If you have a homecare drug delivery query, please contact the delivery company e.g. Healthcare at Home or Lloyds Pharmacy Clinical Homecare in the first instance.
Please do not use the Helpline:
- to change an appointment. Please call appointment enquiries: 01273 446067
- to obtain test results, unless specifically asked to do so at your last appointment
- to discuss anything not related to your rheumatological condition; your GP should always be your first point of contact for general medical queries
Children’s Rheumatology service
The children’s Rheumatology service at St Richard’s Hospital is for children under the age of 18 years old. Please visit our children’s services page for more information.
Children’s servicesWhere we are
St Richard’s Hospital 01243 788122
Worthing Hospital 01903 205111
Southlands Hospital 01903 205111